Author:   Biswajit Parida
Publisher:   GRFDT
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In a global context, Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization (LPG model) are no longer an opinion but a fact. Globalization is often associated with the integration of the world, with the market breaking open the barriers across nation states in terms of flow of trade, finance, knowledge, capital culture, and technology across national boundaries. Globalization is also contemporal with development of capitalism. Development in the aspect of Globalization demand some sort of sacrifice more so from the vulnerable groups. Tribal are the most affected group in this prospect. The survival of tribal communities critically depends on land and forest resources. The forest occupies a central position in tribal culture and economy. Thus tribals are the worst sufferers since most development projects such as dams and industries are located in inaccessible tribal areas. The impact of globalisation is strongest on these populations perhaps more than any other because these communities have no voice and are therefore easily swept aside. Compulsory acquisition of land is done for activities like construction of industries, mining, hydropower projects, reservation of forests for National Parks, etc. These projects require huge land acquisition, deforestation and depletion of natural resources for their establishment. Displacement of people from their traditional habitat causes much trauma to the affected persons. As a result their livelihood is now under threat and they are becoming the victims of land alienation, poverty and bonded labour. They are kind of forced to migrate from their native place in search of a better livelihood. The studies included intensive field work among the Kondha Tribe of Kalahandi district of Odisha. The Kondha is the largest tribal community in Odisha and aboriginal inhabitants of uneven hilly terrain and forests. The present paper will try to see the impact of such development on the traditional livelihood of these people with special focus on the proposed Vedanta Aluminium Limited Plant in the Kalahandi district of Odisha.

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